
Ironsworn Campaign 1 Break and Next Game plans!

Ironsworn Campaign 1 Break and Blog Plans The goal of this blog has always been to explore story telling through the lens of solo roleplay using different roleplaying systems. And so, after having played Ironsworn for nearly a year now, I think its time I move on to a different system and a different story. I'm going to take a break from Valryc's story here. Though there is so much more of his story to go, I am ready for a bit of a change. I'll come back to Valryc eventually, but I find we're at a good stopping point now that we've recovered one of the pieces of this strange magical blade and made our way to Timbermount. Sorry to leave him here, but we'll be back before you know it! That being said, the next adventure is certainly going to be much shorter than Valryc's quest to stop the Shadiri. I'll be playing through the beginner adventure in the Runecairn Wardensaga book. This is going to be a bit less narratively dense, though I think it will be a fu

Ironsworn Session 20: A Shard of Cybela

Valryc's status: Momentum: 8; Health: 5; Spirit: 4; Supply:3 Delve the Elven Ruins to find the piece of the blade: Progress 6 GM Note: This feels like the scene of a deadly battle between two forces. The elves were doing all they could to defend the deeper rooms where the shard of the blade is kept. An assaulting force was trying to invade. The elves enacted a final magical trap, a last ditch effort to stop these invaders. The trap was a magical trap that killed every living creature that remained in the underkeep. The elves never left, they sacrificed themselves to the blade piece from this enemy's grasp. Valryc steps foot into the next chamber unprepared for what he sees. Almost perfectly preserved, dozens of figures rest motionless in a never ending struggle. Slender, tall figures similar in build to his ghostly guide, bedecked in ornate armor stand in formation in front of the next doorway. In opposition to these figures, almost

Ironsworn Session 19: Unexpected Aid

Valryc's status: Momentum: 6; Health: 5; Spirit: 4; Supply:3 Delve the Elven Ruins to find the piece of the blade: Progress 3 GM Note:  Dealing with the trapped door that leads deeper into the underkeep is going to be tricky. Magical knowledge is something that the ironlanders have shunned do to its association with the Shadiri. Because of this, it will take some crafty thinking to get past. Valryc is going to need to face danger here. If he fails, a guardian of the underkeep will be alerted and a threat will be implemented starting a bit of a timer on valryc's progress. Lets see how it goes! Valryc hesitates for a moment. The fear that shook him just moments ago has left a lingering fear in the back of his mind. But he knows the only way to protect the Ironlands now is to push forward. He knows that the Shadiri will be making their way here. He’s got a short window to get in and out with what he seeks before his situatio

Ironsworn Session 18: The Depths of the Ruin

Valryc's status: Momentum: 5; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:3   Reach a Milestone - By finding the first of the three elven temples, Valryc has made progress in his vow to recover the pieces of the blade. +1 progress on the Extreme vow so ½ a progress box Valryc takes a breath before stepping across the threshold into the ruin. He pulls the door closed behind him. “Right. Well, first thing I’d best bar this door from the inside. Might as well do my best to stop the Shadiri from sneaking in behind me.” Looking around the entryway, he sees a pair of sturdy iron standing candelabras. He hefts one in his hand, feeling the weight of the iron. These pieces are not decorative. They look utilitarian. Sturdy and plain looking, but strong. “Yes I think these will do.”  He takes the two candelabras and wedges them in place behind the door, barring the way into the ruin. “Well at least I’ll have the place to

Ironsworn Session 17: Alone on the Journey Again

Valryc's status: Momentum: 5; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:3 Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 6 Progress Valryc finds himself on the road alone yet again. The journey with his companions these last several weeks had been a respite from the hardship of traveling alone, but he knew this would come sooner or later. He begins making his way into the dense forests that fill the lands of Timbermount. The journey was much harder than the easy way along the road and having a pack laden with supplies made it all that much harder to part from his friends. But years of such travel honed his instincts. He set off, glancing up through the trees to spot Strieg flying over head when he could. The hawk flew just underneath the canopy of the forest, continuing to keep watch ahead for danger as he was trained to do. Undertake a Journey - Valryc presses deeper into the forest, navigating as best h

Ironsworn Session 16: Danger is Afoot

Valryc's status: Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:4 Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 3 Progress   GM : Starting off, lets find out what the group finds from their previously unresolved Undertake a Journey move. We have a rolled on the oracle "Locate Portent." Does the portent have anything to do with the Shadiri? Oracle: Unlikely- 70; The portent is not to do with the Shadiri   The group travels late into the night after visiting with the merchant. Valryc is pleased to see that the others do not complain as they continue their travels well past the setting of the sun. They eat hardtack and dried fruit that the merchant supplied them with for dinner and press on, hoping to make a great deal of progress for the day. Finally after the moon is high in the sky, Valryc halts. “This shall be enough for the day my friends. Well done on today’s travel, I’m impressed