
Showing posts from April, 2024

Ironsworn Session 12: A Cavern Delve

  Valryc's status: Momentum: 10; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 4 Vow: Find the missing boy and bring him back to Wrennsfall: Progress 3  Valryc holds his torch high above his head as he hefts his bastard sword and makes his way into the cave system. He searches the ground, looking to find tracks that Pendry might have left as he retreated into the caves. “I don’t want to find out what the boy was running from… Hopefully we both can avoid it before the end of this.” He makes his way into the cave opening, the large mouth of the cave quickly closing into a narrow entrance. The cave reeks of rats and other foul creatures. Valryc looks grim, unsure if he’ll be able to find the boy alive in such a dangerous place. Delve the Depths - Valryc makes his way into the cave, searching for tracks to point him in the right direction. Roll +wits as he searches for the tracks left by the boy Strong h

Ironsworn Session 11: The Long Wait

Valryc's status: Momentum: 6; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 2   Valryc bides his time waiting for the council to summon him for his next assignment. He reports for duty but his commanding officer informs him that he has been given a week of leave after his long journey Valryc awakes from his restless sleep feeling worn out. He rolls out of bed, thinking on what to do next. “I suppose I best report for duty. It will be good for me to get back to routine. At least until the council summons me…”   He dresses in his uniform, still wearing the stains and tears from his long journey. “Might need to get this repaired. Or replaced I suppose,” he thinks to himself, examining the tears and rips in his travel worn tunic. He dons his leather armor after oiling it to a glistening shine. Shouldering his bastard sword, he sets off towards the training grounds where his c