Thorandyl: Building a Runecairn Character

Character Creation in Runecairn Wardensaga

Below I've posted the steps taken in creating Thorandyl for my solo playthrough of the Runecairn adventure Beneath the Broken Sword

Name & Traits

My character's name will be Thorandyl

Rolling for my character traits: 
Physique: (6) Slim
Skin: (3) Mottled
Hair: (10) Wispy
Face: (7) Fierce
Speech: (2) Booming
Virtue: (6)Honourable
Vice: (1) aggressive

Ability Scores

Four ability scores are rolled in order, then swap any two scores

Initial rolls: 9/15/10/13
I'll swap the 9 strength and 13 spirit. The final stat array will look like this: 

Strength (STR): 13
Dexterity (DEX): 15
Wits (WIT): 10
Spirit (SPI): 9


Vigor defines your focus and stands between you and the void. Roll D6 for Vigor

Vigor: 4


A character's overall health and heartiness. Roll D6 for Vitality

Vitality: 5


Resilience is your ability to avoid damage and is equal to the sum of your Vigor and Vitality.

Resilience: 9


Background defines your initial equipment and skills. Choose your background and add the items and skills to your character. The high dexterity and strength lead me to believe Thorandyl was a scout in a previous time. Skilled shot with a bow and always able to find just the right places to stick a knife in an enemies back. 
