Ironsworn 1 Index

This index will be updated as new terminology and other facts about the world are created as the game is played

The Capitals of the Ironlands: 

Timbermount: The central most large city located in the Ironlands. Timbermount is located nestled into the outskirts of the Ironlands largest patch of forest land. It is located in between Wrennsfall and Windrest.

Wrennsfall: The northern most large city located in the Ironlands. Located on the shores of the lake created by its namesake, the Falls of the River Wrenn. It is in a reasonably defensible position as its northern end abuts against the northern cliffs and the southern end is behind the flowing river. Valryc hails from here and it is where our journey begins. 

Windrest: The southern most large city located in the Ironlands. Windrest is located on the shores of the southern tip of the Ironlands, perched high upon the cliffs that look out over the southern sea.


The Council of Five 
The council of Wrennsfall consists of 5 members, each representing different factions of the city and the head councilor representing the deciding vote in decisions of politics, strategy, and living. 
Iron Arrowhead
The sign of Valryc’s office as a captain of the Wrennsfall scouts. He uses this representation of his office to swear vows.
The cultists of shadow who drove the Ironlanders out of the old world. Their ranks include warriors, assassins, scouts, and mages who summon dangerous creatures from the abyss to do their dirty work



Wrennsfall Characters 

Valryc Wyndurk- Our main protagonist; Wrennsfall scout captain

Kyara- Valryc’s younger sister

Commander Rafe- Commander of the Wrennsguard

Wrennsfall Council:

Head Councilor- Nakita Amara (She/Her) 

Councilor of War - Nadra Beltran (He/Him)

Councilor of Trade - Esra Sardan (She/Her)

Councilor of Land - Tristan Themon (He/Him)

Councilor of City - Maura Shekhar (She/Her)


Valryc's Caravan: 

Deshi- Wrennsguard

Glain- Wrennsguard

Aleko - Ambassador

Other Characters
Kayu- Elder of Rockmark

