Ironsworn Session 0: Prologue

Wrennsfall finds its home in the northernmost Elven ruin that was deemed habitable when the Ironlanders first made their homes in the new world. It lays at the foot of a large mountain ridge that protects it from the North and beside a large lake created by the waterfall that gives the town its name: The fall of River Wrenn. Here we see a man of slightly taller than average height, wearing studded leather armor and a large bastard sword slung across his back. A messenger approaches the man with haste.

“Captain Valryc, you have been requested to attend the council with the utmost haste. There has been word of Shadiri in the Northern mountains.”

Wordlessly the man nods to the messenger and makes his way towards the large central capitol building at the center of the city. Upon his arrival, he is ushered into a large meeting room where the council of 5, the leaders of the city are currently meeting.

“Ah, Captain Valryc it is good that you’ve come so quickly. We have reports of a Shadiri force of unknown numbers moving south across the mountains. Some of our rangers have been able to  capture a scout and question him…. I’m afraid it is bad news.”

The meeting continues. Valryc is informed that the rangers had discovered a scouting party of Shadiri, Shadow warriors from the old world, making their way south of the mountain barrier that separates the old from the new world. After capturing and questioning one of these scouts, the rangers learned that a larger force was making its way south. The Shadiri are after a relic or artifact that they believe to be located in the ruins of an elven temple located about 2 week's journey north from Wrennsfall.

“Valryc, take two of your best men and make haste towards that ruin. We must find what it is the Shadiri are seeking before they do. Whatever it is, this may be the first push of a greater invading force. If that is the case, then the Ironlanders will have need to band together and  defend ourselves. There is no more land to the south from here. There will be no fleeing as our forefathers before us had done”

The High councilors give Valryc his orders. Take 2 others of the Wrennsgaurd and travel north to the ruins and find what the Shadiri seek before they arrive south of the mountains. Return to Wrennsfall and deliver the artifact to the council so that they may learn more about the Shadiri’s goals. Valryc and his allies leave the same day. With all haste they make their way towards the suspected location of the ruin, hoping against hope that they will be able to beat the Shadiri there.

8 Days Later:

Valryc’s party were overtaken on their way to the ruins by a force of Shadiri that were seeking the lost scouting party that had been discovered by the Wrennsgaurd’s rangers. The Wrennsguards were quickly defeated, all left for dead by the Shadiri warriors. Valryc awakens next to his dead allies. He was wounded, but only knocked unconscious. He would survive, but his journey would become harder with the loss of his squadmates.  Quickly he spots his hawk companion Strieg circling overhead. He calls the hawk to him with a sharp whistle and quickly writes a note for the hawk to carry to the city warning of the party’s defeat and that he plans to move ahead with his mission to discover what the Shadiri are seeking at this ruin. He instructs the hawk to fly with haste, deliver the message, and find him again to the north. He searches his fallen comrades' packs and gathers what supplies he can carry, loading food, torches, and any other useful items into his own pack. Before departing, he lays out his squadmates bodies on a patch of ground protected by an outcropping of rocks. He crosses their arms over the hilts of their swords, which rest upon their bodies. He withdraws iron coins from his belt pouch and places them on their eyes before taking a moment of silence to honor their lives. He looks up the mountain path ahead of him, grasping at an iron arrowhead that hangs around his neck.  

“I will finish this quest and find what the Shadiri are after brothers. I swear it. Your lives shall not be lost in vain”

He brings the arrowhead to his forehead to consecrate the oath, dons his backpack and sets off.

Swear an Iron Vow- He makes an iron vow to find the elven ruins, discover what the Shadiri cultists are seeking, and return to Wrennsfall with the information. He continues on…
Weak hit: Action Die-5-Challenge Die 9/2; +1 momentum

Valryc is hesitant to make a direct path towards the ruins after his run in with the Shadiri. He decides caution is in order and plans to make a wide berth around the direct route to avoid any other enemies in the area. With his conviction on shaky ground, facing an unknown force ahead of him, he begins his journey. 
