Ironsworn Session 1: Pushing on Towards the Ruins

Valryc sets off eastward to make a looping route around what he assumes will be the most direct yet dangerous path. His sense of caution and need for haste constantly battle inside of him as he makes his way forward hoping to find these ruins before the Shadiri.

Undertake a Journey: Dangerous: Travel to the Elven ruins
Weak hit:Action Die 6; Challenge Die 4/8
 -1 supply; +2 progress; Reach a way point 

(ORACLE: Location/Descriptor 54/57: Abandoned Village)

Valryc travels eastward out of caution, but this has added more travel time than he was initially prepared for. Even with the additional supplies that he took from his fallen allies he knows he will run out of food and water before he makes his return to Wrennsfall. But food and water are the least of his concerns now.

“I must press on… I’ll worry about food and drink once I’ve finished this journey. For now I must find a safe place to camp. Tomorrow will be a long day and I’m still feeling that smash to the head I took this morning” Valryc mutters to himself.

Near the end of the first day, he comes to the top of a hill. Down in the valley a short distance below the ridge he finds himself, he spots the telltale signs of a village nestled in a grove of pine trees along the river's edge. He furrows his brow, thinking hard to remember if he ever heard of this village before. “So far north, its hard to imagine any sane folk living here. They’re only guarded from raids by the trees that hide their homes. But a shelter and some food might be just what I need to keep going” He thinks to himself. He approaches with caution, but as he nears he realizes that there is no one moving about. The village appears empty as far as he can tell. He continues moving closer to the village as stealthily as he can, hoping to find the people safe and welcoming, but his caution gets the better of him as he approaches and looks for signs of life.

Gather Information: Why is the village abandoned? Is it safe?
Miss: Pay the price- The village is not abandoned. The inhabitants have been slaughtered. The Shadiri have been here already. It is unsafe to stay and his plan to avoid the Shadiri was for not.

ORACLE: Are there still Shadiri in the village? 50/50: 63-Yes there are.

Valryc begins searching the village and quickly finds evidence that the village was not abandoned. Heavy tracks of running footsteps. The telltale signs of struggle. The blood trails.The villagers have been killed. At this realization, he hunkers down behind a building on the outskirts of the small village. As he peers around the corner, his heart sinks. There sitting on a log near the village center are two Shadiri warriors. His plan to rest in the village before traveling on has been upended. Now he must decide if he will fight to avenge the slain villagers or make a quick getaway before he is spotted. His anger grows as he grips the hilt of his bastard sword. He whispers to himself,  “Vengeance for the villagers, vengeance for my fallen comrades.” He will not stand to let these two continue their killing in his homeland. He charges forth drawing his blade and readying himself for a fight!

End of session Stats summary: Momentum: 3; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 4
Undertake a journey to the Elven ruins: progress: 2
Vow: Find the ruins, discover what the Shadiri are seeking and return to Wrennsfall: Progress: 0 
