
Showing posts from January, 2024

Ironsworn Session 5: Searching the Ruins

Valryc's status : Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 3 Undertake a journey to the Elven ruins: Completed Vow: Find the ruins, discover what the Shadiri are seeking and return to Wrennsfall: Progress:2 Valryc awakens after a fitful night of rest. In the early morning sun, he quickly pulls out some rations and breaks down his small camp after eating. “I have no plan on staying here another night. I’ll need to make my search quickly and begin the trek back to Wrennsfall” He thinks to himself as he works. He begins studying the surrounding area more closely, looking for any signs of recent activity in the area. Footprints, signs of camps, and anything else that might suggest that the Shadiri were here before him. Thinking back to the cut rope bridge, he is sure that they had made it this far. But he must confirm his suspicions. Gather information: Valryc searches the area fo

Ironsworn Session 4: The Elven Ruins

Valryc's status : Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 3 Undertake a journey to the Elven ruins: progress: 8 Vow: Find the ruins, discover what the Shadiri are seeking and return to Wrennsfall: Progress: 1   Valryc smiles with satisfaction as he looks down into the valley below and sees the path leading deeper into the forest below. The first part of his journey is nearing its end. He knows that this means the Shadiri are likely close and he needs all the luck he can muster for his success. He takes a moment and looks out to the horizon towards Wrennsfall, hoping to spot Strieg returning to him. “My friend, you must be close. Your wings carry you swifter than my feet ever could.” He urges the hawk on in his mind, hoping that his eyes will catch the sight of Strieg in the distance returning to him. Ask the Oracle