Ironsworn Session 15: Woodhaven and the Road Beyond

A quick note from the GM:
Going forward I am going to change the format in which I report the rolls I make throughout the session. This is going to include more information to make it more clear what was rolled and how I came up with the outcome. I will also add more of my thought process to how I move the narrative from the outcome of these rolls. Those thoughts will be included in small sections just like this one throughout the body of the text. Hopefully this change in formatting is helpful to better follow along with the play!
-The Solo Rambler                

Valryc's status: Momentum: 6; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 5
Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 1 Progress 

After the long day on the road, the party is weary and welcomes the sight of Woodhaven off in the distance. Their pace quickens as they think of a warm fire, hearty food, and a comfortable bed to fall into. As they grow nearer the city, Valryc nods to Aleko, “We should approach carefully. I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of the Shadiri activity in the outskirts of Wrennsfall. We may be walking into a bit of trouble if they’ve made it to Woodhaven.” Aleko laughs, shaking his head and waving Valryc off, “Oh that is quite impossible! Shadiri this far south would truly be a first. They may harry the northern villages on the far reaches of the capitol’s bounds, but they would not dare come so far south! And still, if that were the case you scouts surely would be aware of their movement already, yes? I’m sure we have nothing to fear. We should take comfort in the last friendly inn we’ll see for quite some time!” Valryc sighs and shakes his head, but says no more. Aleko’s response is not surprising. Shadiri this far south would be unheard of. And still Valryc knew better. They may not have been seen, but there was a chance they could have made it this far south already. Valryc walks with his head on a swivel as they approach the town.

Oracle: Are there problems in Woodhaven as the Caravan enters?
Likelihood:50/50- 51 or greater is a yes
Roll: 48; No

Valryc eases his shoulders as they make their way through the main gate into the village. The guardsmen there are lackadaisical sitting and sharing a meal as the wave the group through. It is obvious the night is business as usual. With a great relief, Valryc smiles and follows Aleko and the Wrennsguards into town. “Right then, lead the way on to this inn. I’m quite starved and ready for a meal and bed.”  With a jovial, light step, Aleko leads on towards the center of the village. He quickly pokes his head into the inn once they arrive, requesting someone to take their mule and wagon for the evening. After a young boy has taken the reigns, Valryc follows the others inside. Aleko has already arranged three rooms for the men. “Glain and Deshi, you know the drill. Its you two sharing the room this evening. Ah! No complaints, you know the rotation. I haven't had my own room on the last three journeys we’ve had. It is my turn!” Aleko chides the two soldiers as they begin to protest before turning to Valryc. “Obviously Captain, you don’t have to take part in our little rotation. We’ve found that the funds we’re sent with are enough for three rooms whenever we are able to stay in an inn… Well, we long ago decided that two rooms and an extra mug of ale each is a much better deal. Of course, your accommodations will be paid for from the council’s funds as well. They’ve supplied me with a separate purse for your expenses.” Aleko smiles and winks slyly at Valryc before turning his attention back to the innkeeper and finalizing the accommodations.

As the three other men turn to make their way into the common dining area, Valryc holds a hand up. “A moment gentlemen. I must see if they have a private dining room for the evening. I have much to discuss with you and… Well before we continue on tomorrow, I think it best we talk this through and discuss our plans going forward.” The men look at each other, a bit let down and also concerned by the Captain’s mysterious tone. They shrug and wait as Valryc turns to the innkeeper. He secures a private room for them and covers the meal and drink for the evening. Turning back to the men he smiles, “This way now. And Deshi, Glain, you’ve each got a room for the evening. Its on me tonight. We’ll need a very good nights sleep before the start tomorrow.” Both the men smile, each elbowing Aleko in the side and laughing at their fortune for the evening. The three make their way into the private dining room and eat and drink to their fill before Valryc sits back in his chair.

Sojourn- Valryc plans to use the evening laying out their journey and his mission to the men. He feels it best they know the seriousness of the mission before they leave tomorrow. 
Roll+Heart: Heart 2 + Action die 6
Strong hit: Action score 8; Challenge die 4/7
Choose 2 options: +2 momentum x2

Once Valryc has their attention, he begins to divulge the details of his mission. He explains the Elven ruins and the secret room that he had discovered there. He goes into some detail about the Shadiri movement that had been observed before he had returned, and the sudden lack of their presence. The three other men listen intently to Valryc’s words, their visages growing more and more grave at each detail. As he finishes the summary of his mission and the threat they face, Valryc pauses a moment before clearing his throat. “This is no idle walk through the  woods to Timbermount unfortunately friends. There is serious danger involved. I feel that it would be cruel to let you continue on without knowing the full weight of what we aim to accomplish.” He trails off, watching the men expectantly, worried they may turn tail back to Wrennsfall with all this knowledge. Finally Aleko stands, hand pressed firmly on the table top as he stares into Valryc’s eyes. “I for one am no fighting man… But even so, I shall not abandon you here with the knowledge that you have just bestowed upon us. I for one will gladly take the mantle of this mission and share the weight of it with you. That is if you will have me along.” Valryc smiles, relief taking place of worry, as he reaches a hand across the table to shake Aleko’s hand with a nod. The envoy continues before releasing Valryc’s hand. “Though I don’t know about these two cowards. The fluffy beds of the inn might have made them soft to such a dire mission. I cannot attest to their usefulness in this task.” Aleko’s serious face bursts into a laugh as Glain and Deshi realize what he had said. They stand bolt upright, throwing Aleko back before standing at attention in front of Valryc. “Oh don’t listen to that bag o’ shite, my left foot will be more useful than Aleko on this journey.” Glain cracks a smile before saluting along with Deshi. Valryc nods before returning the salute and extending his hand to embrace the soldiers in a firm handshake. “Its settled then. Well I for one could use about half a day in bed after that first day of walking. Seems my week spent inactive has taken its toll on me. But bright and early on the morning we leave. Any of you still in bed by the time the sun has started to shine can turn tail back to Wrennsfall, for the rest of us will be long gone!” Valryc laughs before raising a glass and toasting the men’s bravery.

They all sit for a moment longer, discussing possible routes and detours that might be wise for their journey before retiring to bed for the evening. All of the men fall into a deep restful sleep and awaken ready for the morrow’s journey. They collect their mule and cart before turning their back on the last friendly inn of Wrennsfall, making their way onto the road south for another day’s journey.

Undertake a Journey-The caravan prepares for their early departure and leaves Woodhaven behind as it starts the next leg southward.
Roll+Wits +1 for Strieg: Wits 2 + Strieg 1+ Action die 1
Miss: Action Score 4; Challenge die 5/6
Burn momentum for a strong hit
Reach a waypoint, +1 progress; +1 momentum; -1 Supply

Waypoint Oracle- Action (66) descriptor(33)--> Finish peace

Finish peace on the road so close to a town sounds like a bit of shady mercantile trade that is happening outside the outskirts of woodhaven. The caravan stumbles upon two separate caravans as the sound of heated discussion dies down to amicable shaking of hands and the signing of agreements

The road out of Woodhaven is much more travel worn than Valryc would have suspected at first, but as the day wears on and the miles get behind the group, the ruts and potholes in the road become apparent. Though this road may be more well traveled, it certainly is not cared for like the roads between Wrennsfall and Woodhaven. The going slows a bit more than Valryc would like, but the cart bounces along the road as quickly as the mule can carry it. “I’m thankful I don’t have to haul all those supplies at least.” Valryc mutters under his breath. Aleko surprises him with the sharpness of his hearing as he laughs at the Captain's comment. “Oh my friend, the travel would be so much more dreary and strenuous if we didn’t have a beast of burden along for the trip. Though… He may not aid you in arriving at your true destination, he shall get you most of the way in comfort and ease!” Valryc agrees with that at least. He may be able to travel quicker if he traveled lighter, but with such a great distance ahead, it would be hard to guarantee a full stomach and enough water as he went. Just searching for water and food could set someone back days traveling through forest that they were unfamiliar with. Again Valryc nods with a slight smile, realizing that the cart and company were much more of a blessing than he initially thought they might be.

As the sun reaches its zenith, the group begins to hear a loud discussion happening farther down the road. A large hill that the way winds around blocks their view from who might be making such a ruckus. Valryc’s instincts kick in as he waves for the group to hold as he moves quietly up the slope of the hill to peer over towards the sound. On the other side he spots two other carts and two men seemingly in a debate over trade of goods. One of the men sighs as he nods and sticks his hand forward. The other man smiles broadly, looking like he might jump for joy, as he reaches his own hand out and shakes the others vigorously. At that the two men’s tension seems to leave them. One hands over a large sack, presumably filled with coins, while the other takes it and then begins loading large bushels of fruits and vegetables into the other man’s cart. Valryc quickly retreats down the hill towards his companions.

“It seems we’ve stumbled upon a bit of a mercantile exchange here. One man seems to have purchased a fair amount of fruits and vegetables. We could possibly see if he would part with some of those to ease our way south. We dipped a bit too greedily into our supplies at lunch today and I’m afraid we may need to be more careful with our rationing if we don’t reduce our food intake before long…” Deshi and Glain frown as they look back at their own wagon. Though the journey has just started, they do remember the lavish picnic that Aleko laid out for the group at lunch earlier. The shrug and nod, looking to the Captain and Aleko to lead the way in this.

Valryc allows Aleko to take the lead as the group approaches the merchants. The two men are startled at first having been found out on the road in the middle of their exchange, but once the man who made the large purchase of produce realizes that he might makes some coin off these travelers, his attitude quickly changes. Aleko begins negotiations, hoping that their diplomatic mission might lend them some charity from the merchant. A terse discussion ensues as the two men discuss their deal.

Secure an Advantage- Valryc aids as best he can to gain the upper hand in their negotiations with the merchant, hoping to appeal to his sense of duty to Wrennsfall by discussing the importance of their mission without revealing any details.
Roll +heart: Heart 2 + Action die 2
Weak hit: Action Score 4; Challenge die 8/2
+1 momentum

The bartering comenses, but Valryc quickly leaves the discussion realizing he is too far out of his depths. After a moment, it appears that Aleko has gained the upper hand. The merchant looks as if his sense of duty might just break his sense of profit!

Resupply- Aleko and Valryc’s bargaining for a bit of food may resupply their small loss from Aleko’s exuberant lunch this afternoon
Roll+wits: Wits 2 + Action die 4
Strong hit: Action score 6; Challenge die 3/5
+2 momentum

Valryc is surprised as the merchant begins reaching into one of the bushels. “You lot drive a hard bargain for charity, trust me. I’ve seen beggars with more shame than you!” The man laughs as he begins handing over a few sacks of vegetables and fruits that he so recently purchased. Aleko is shocked as the man continues to hand over sack after sack. “Good Gods man! We only were hoping for a few apples and some bread for our journey, not a hero’s feast!” Aleko laughs, handing back one of the sacks. The merchant shrugs, waves them goodbye, and begins his way down the trail towards Woodhaven just a few sacks of bread and apples lighter.

The group continues down the road, curious to see what other strange sights they might take in before the day’s travel is through.

Undertake a Journey- The caravan continues their travel along the road south towards Timbermount on their first true leg of the journey.
Roll+wits+1 for Strieg: Wits 2+ Strieg 1+ Action die 5
Strong hit: Action score 8; Challenge die 1/7
+1 momentum; +1 progress; -1 Supply
Reach a waypoint.

Waypoint Oracle- Action (86) descriptor(68)--> Locate Portent

I’ll continue their journey next time as we discover what kind of portent the caravan discovers as the first day of their journey comes to a close!

Valryc's status: Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:4
Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 3 Progress
