Ironsworn Session 16: Danger is Afoot

Valryc's status: Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:4
Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 3 Progress

Starting off, lets find out what the group finds from their previously unresolved Undertake a Journey move. We have a rolled on the oracle "Locate Portent."

Does the portent have anything to do with the Shadiri?
Oracle: Unlikely- 70; The portent is not to do with the Shadiri

The group travels late into the night after visiting with the merchant. Valryc is pleased to see that the others do not complain as they continue their travels well past the setting of the sun. They eat hardtack and dried fruit that the merchant supplied them with for dinner and press on, hoping to make a great deal of progress for the day. Finally after the moon is high in the sky, Valryc halts. “This shall be enough for the day my friends. Well done on today’s travel, I’m impressed that you all were willing to press on so late. I think tomorrow we shall stop a bit earlier. With the progress we’ve made today, we can ease our pace just a bit I think. Set up camp and rest. We’ll start again tomorrow with the rising of the sun.” The others breathe a sigh of relief as Valryc signals for them to stop. They quickly set up their small pup tents and curl up to rest for the evening. It was a good day’s travel and they are all weary and ready to sleep.

In the morning they wake as the sun begins to peak over the trees. They quickly begin breaking down the tents and preparing to leave for their next days journey when Glain stops and stares at the ground in shock. Valryc is taken aback by the man’s sudden freezing and follows his gaze. There on the ground is the footprint of a massive creature. The footprint is fresh and the trail moves just along the road before crossing into another part of the forest off to the west. “Have you all ever seen a creature that makes tracks that size before?” Valryc asks in a bit of shock. Glain stammers over his words a bit before finally composing himself. “That is new to me captain… I’ve not seen a creature large enough to make those tracks before in my life! There must be some ancient beast afoot on the road south.” Glain wipes his brow before moving over to investigate the tracks closer. Valryc is struck with a slight twang of fear as the warrior seems shocked by the prints. “Well then… I suppose we’d best be more vigilant as we move south. From the tracks pattern, it appears the creature is moving along in the same directions we are. But it has moved off into the forest. Hopefully it avoids the roads while we yet travel them. If anything, we know there is something here that might cause us issue before we stumble upon it.” Valryc nods at his words, assuring not only the others but himself as well. The group quickly finishes their packing before pulling food from the stores on the cart and eating as they begin their travels for the day, an eye ever kept on the edges of the forest around them as they go.

Undertake a Journey- The group continues on wary of the new threat that they might run into at any moment.
Roll+wits+1 for Strieg: Wits 2+Strieg 1+Action die 3
Weak hit: Action score 6; Challenge die 4/10
+1 progres; -1 Supply; Reach a waypoint

Waypoint Oracle: Location 62 Descriptor 90; Expansive thicket
The group hastily eats as they begin the days journey. The tracks of the creature they saw this morning spurs them to move quickly, hoping to make some distance between themselves and whatever monstrosity that created those tracks. They come across an expansive thicket that begins to cover the road as they travel. In their haste, none of the companions notice that an especially thorny bush has torn open one of the sacks of grain that precariously hangs off the edge of the wagon. As the group travels, they do not notice the trail of grain leaking from the sack. The group stops for a midday snack in their travels and finally notice the torn sack, but it is too late. A large portion of the dried grains they had packed for the later half of their journey has leaked from the ripped sack. Valryc curses under his breath as Aleko laments the lost supplies. “Nothing to be done about it now besides keeping our eyes out for possible food sources as we go” says Valryc, trying to ease the ambassador’s worries. The group eats a small meal before pressing on for the day. The dense foliage finally eases as the group continues to press on. Finally they reach the outskirts of the Timbermount forest. Timbermount is known for it dense forests and massive redwood trees, growing taller and wider than the trees of most forests in the iron lands. The soft soil and the shade of the trees makes the traveling a bit easier, but the road becomes uneven as the roots of the massive trees begin to disrupt the steady path they’ve been following. They rest for the evening, hoping they’ve put enough space between themselves and the massive creature that made the footprints they saw this morning. The night is uneventful and they are able to rest and rise for another long day of travel towards Timbermount.

Undertake a Journey- The group presses on through the outer edges of the Timbermount forest, still wary of the large creature that might be nearby.
Roll+wits+1 for Strieg: Wits 2+ Strieg 1+ Action die 2
Weak hit: Action score 5; Challenge die 3/7
+1 progres; -1 Supply; Reach a waypoint

Waypoint Oracle: Location 55 Descriptor 77; Flooded grove

The following day is mostly uneventful. The caravan finds themselves traveling through the redwood forest, happy to be finished with the dense thicket that covers the outskirts of the Timbermount forest. “We’ve made good progress, but the Timbermount forest is quite extensive. We’ll be traveling in these woods for quite a number of days before we reach the city… And I suppose before that, you will be leaving us before then captain?”  Valryc nods solemnly, “Aye, at some point I’ll make my way deeper into the eastern forest. From my estimates, I’ll be leaving you in the next several days. From there I will travel to find the Elven temple that supposedly holds a remnant of this magical blade… You all will be fine without me. It seems the road is quite clear of dangers, and you all have traveled it many times.”

Aleko nods in agreement at Valryc’s last statement, “Oh of course we have! The council would not have put any other ambassadors on the task! I’ve spent more time on the road between Wrennsfall and Timbermount than I have at home in the last few years!”  Aleko laughs jovially, but a hint of worry invades his mirth. “Though this Elven temple you speak of… It seems the Shadiri plan to head for this place as well? Are you sure that you do not wish for us to accompany you to the ruins as well? An extra pair of swords would help you if you get in a bind…”

Valryc shakes his head as Aleko puts forth the idea, “No that would not be wise. I may fail in retrieving the piece of the blade held in the ruins, but you would at least be able to continue on to share the message with the council at Timbermount and Windsrest. If I fall, they will need to pick up the mantle of my quest. These pieces of blade must be recovered before the Shadiri are able to find them. No matter if I do it or some other fool…” Valryc trails off, lost in thought as he speaks the last words. The group moves on in silence. They come upon a section of road that has flooded. Valryc is hesitant to go around this section of forest but Aleko assures him it is normal for this time of year. “The road always floods around early spring, it is just something we must deal with! The heavy snowfall always brings high tides on the river in the mountains to the east. I only hope you’re path to the elven ruins you seek is not blocked by such a flood.” Valryc furrows his brow, thinking about how he would deal with such a flood. The rest of the day continues on uneventfully. The group is able to circumnavigate the flooded road and finds themselves on the other side before the day is gone. They make camp and prepare to press on.

At this point, Valryc has taken stock of their supplies and is unhappy with what they have left. The lost supplies has effected their overall supplies more than he would have liked. “Before we move on for the day, we must do some foraging to bolster our food stocks. We may yet reach our destination with what we have on hand, but I’d rather we have an excess of supplies than a shortage. We’ll search the surrounding area for anything we can find before we press on for the day.”

The group is running dangerously low on supplies. If they are to complete their journey, including Valryc's separate task to find the Elven temple, they must resupply. Though they may be slowed down for today's travel, they have yet to find any sign of the Shadiri. There's still hope that they are well ahead of the Shadiri's progress south and can spare this time to find some supplies. 

Resupply- The group searches for anything that can be scavenged along the road as they travel for the day
Roll+wits: Wits 2+ Action die 1
Weak hit: Action score 3; Challenge die 2/4
+2 Supply; -2 momentum

The group is able to find some berries and edible vegetables that can bolster their current supply as they begin to make their way along the road.

Undertake a journey- The caravan continues on as they make headway towards Timbermount
Roll+wits+Strieg: WIts 2+ Strieg 1+ Action die 5
Weak hit: Action score 8; Challenge die 10/5
+1 progres; -1 Supply; Reach a waypoint

Waypoint Oracle: Location 17 Descriptor 12; Diverse Caravan
Valryc and the others have been on the road for nearly two weeks now. Their journey has been mostly uneventful and they’ve kept a steady pace that has made the journey quick. They are nearing Timbermount, and thus also nearing the place where Valryc will depart the caravan to find the temple location discovered in the elven ruins. As they continue on, Valryc is preparing himself to depart the company of his new friends. They have been fine traveling companions and the aid of the wagon has been welcome. As they are nearing noon on this day of travel, they come upon a large caravan traveling the same direction down the road. At first it appears to be a large caravan of merchants. The travelers have beasts of burden and carts loaded to the brim. But on closer inspection, Valryc realizes something far more dire. “These people… They are fleeing from something. They are not merchants, the appear to be refugees.” Aleko and the others study the caravan more closely and come to the same conclusion. The group appears haggard from long travel. There are too many children that travel along with the group as well.

Finally Valryc and his caravan catch up with the slow moving group. Valryc calls out to a man who appears to be directing the flow of the carts and mules. The man tells them that these people are from a village northwest in the mountains above the forests. They were attacked by some force. The people this far south from Wrennsfall would not remember the Shadiri forces that drove the Ironlanders south so long ago, but Valryc listens to the man’s description and realizes that it must be them. His face pales slightly as he listens. He offers the man his sympathies before turning to Aleko, Deshi, and Glain. “I must be departing our small group sooner than I had planned. The man described the Shadiri attacking their village. They may not have called them as such by name, but it is clear enough. I must make haste through the forest. From here it will be quicker for me to cut off some of the road south and begin my journey southwest. I only hope I make it there before our enemy does.” With that Valryc begins to hastily stuff his pack with the necessary traveling supplies he’ll need for the journey. He is skilled in making such hasty departures and knows exactly how much he can carry before the extra weight would slow him down too much. He reminds his friends of the plans for them to make camp outside of the city, where he will meet them before long. With that he whistles shrilly to the sky and signals to Strieg toward the southwest. The hawk darts in the direction and begins his normal scouting patterns as Valryc departs the caravan and his allies. 

Were moving forward in time here. The progress track to their destination, which is the elven temple for Valryc, is getting full. They must be nearing Timbermount. That also means that the Shadiri might be causing trouble. The diverse caravan for the waypoint made sense to me to be refugees fleeing the Shadiri as they continue south as well. This has to be the point that pushes Valryc to begin his solo portion of this trek. The race is really on now!
Forge a Bond- Valryc has been traveling with Aleko, Glain, and Deshi for a great distance. They have needed to depend on each other and Valryc’s respect for the group has grown greatly from when they first met.
Roll+heart: Heart 2+ Action die 3
Weak hit: Action score 5; Challenge die 1/8
They demand something from you; Do it and mark a bond

As Valryc is departing, Aleko grabs his shoulder. “Listen here Captain. I know this mission is important. But don’t give your life for it. Without you, we’ll have lost our key piece in this fight. Make sure you make it to Timbermount in one piece.” Aleko grips Valryc’s shoulder more tightly then nods and shoves the man away. “Now get going! Off with you. You’ve got more important places to be!” He laughs and turns back to Glain and Deshi who wave goodbye to Valryc before turning and continuing on the road south, leaving Valryc to turn southwest to the deep forests that border the road to Timbermount. 

Valryc's status: Momentum: 5; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:3
Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 6 Progress

Ironsworn Campaign 1: Session List 
