Ironsworn Campaign 1 Break and Next Game plans!

Ironsworn Campaign 1 Break and Blog Plans

The goal of this blog has always been to explore story telling through the lens of solo roleplay using different roleplaying systems. And so, after having played Ironsworn for nearly a year now, I think its time I move on to a different system and a different story. I'm going to take a break from Valryc's story here. Though there is so much more of his story to go, I am ready for a bit of a change. I'll come back to Valryc eventually, but I find we're at a good stopping point now that we've recovered one of the pieces of this strange magical blade and made our way to Timbermount. Sorry to leave him here, but we'll be back before you know it!

That being said, the next adventure is certainly going to be much shorter than Valryc's quest to stop the Shadiri. I'll be playing through the beginner adventure in the Runecairn Wardensaga book. This is going to be a bit less narratively dense, though I think it will be a fun break from the weight of Valryc's epic vow to save the Ironlands. In two weeks I'll be posting up my brief notes on rolling up my Scout Thorandyl using the Runecairn system. This is a pretty rules light system, so its not a terribly lengthy write up, but I do want to have it there for people curious about the system. At the same time I'll be posting my first play session for this new campaign! I expect this campaign to be rather short, as this is a brief introduction into the system.

After our short jaunt into Runecairn, I'll be moving into Dragonbane where I plan on playing through Alone in Deepfall Breach. This is another beginner adventure that I expect to last for maybe 5 to 10 sessions. Once we get near the end of the Alone in Deepfall Breach campaign, I'll be reassessing what the next game will be. Either I'll continue on into Forbidden lands to extend from the Dragonbane campaign or I'll jump back into Ironsworn to get further along in Valryc's epic quest. 

More information about planned upcoming campaigns can be found here!

As always, thanks so much for reading through my adventures! 
