Runecairn Beneath the Broken Sword Session 1: Awaken

1. Resumption

Thorandyl awakens in a damp cave lit by a fire in the center of the room. A blackened spear rises from the blaze, and on closer inspection bones, not wood, burn at its heart. He stares long into the light, his mind working to remember what happened to lead him to this place, but remembers nothing but his name. He sits up, taking stock of his supplies and finds that he has nothing but the quilted cloth he wears for armor. He staggers to his feet, looking about himself. The light of the fire glints off of the grimy steel of a broken longsword leaning up against the cavern wall. He walks over and picks it up, seeing only one exit leading out of the room. "Right, well. Only one way to go then. Let's be about it." He looks around the room for anything else useful, finding nothing, and then he departs. Nodding to himself he takes the broken blade and leaves the light of the bonfire behind climbing up a sloping hallway that exits the room.

2. The Winding Corridor

Thorandyl walks up the slope as it twists upward slowly to the next room. Immediately he sees two emaciated creatures standing near the far wall. THey appear as men but their movement is listless. Their leathery worn skin almost creaks at every movement.  They are turned towards the wall of the cavern, swinging their own broken swords against the stone wall. They turn to look in his direction as he enters, empty voids where eyes should be. Without hesitation they turn back to the wall and engage it in their endless futile struggle to find freedom from the cavern. At first, Thorandyl raises his blade to strike the creatures down, but as they turn back to their work against the wall, he eases slightly. “Poor souls… Must be trapped here without a way out. I won’t be findin’ myself like them. I’ll be leaving before I become shades like them.” Thorandyl looks past the two figures and sees a narrow corridor leading north. He quickly makes his way past the shades and down the corridor. 

The corridor ends in a large stone double door. Some kind of instinct touches the back of his mind and he realizes he is assessing the doorway for traps. His eyes scan the stone, the floor in front of the doors, and the ceiling above…

Roll: Wit to spot traps hidden (13 or less): 6; success- Thorandyl sees the coast is clear.

Finding no immediate danger, he approaches the doorway. The doors seem immense, but as he puts a hand to them he feels them shift under the light pressure he applies. He pushes harder and the doors swing open.

3. The Jagged Chamber

A sharp wind blows through the vast chamber as Thorandyl enters the vast chamber. Stalactites hang from the ceiling in jagged patches and stalagmites form around shallow pools of green murky water. In the very center of the chamber is a large crater, smashed in with chunks of stone crumbled in the bottom. Thorandyl eyes the crater cautiously as he steps deeper into the large cavern. As he approaches the edge of the crater, he sees yellowing bones mixed in with the rubble. “Well that seems… Ominous.”  Thorandyl thinks to himself. He scans the rest of the chamber. At the opposite end of the chamber is a set of towering doors carved with strange runic symbols. Two large keyholes are obvious on the large doors. “That must be the way out I would wager. Though it seems I’ll need to find the keys. They’re sealed shut for now it seems.” To his right he sees the cavern wall ends in a high ledge that overlooks the rest of the chamber, the howling wind that fills the chamber and blows through the doors he just came in seems to originate from the ledge. To his left is a small cramped tunnel flickers with torch light that reveals another set of stone doors. 

Suddenly a thundering sound of massive footfalls echoes from the ledge above. Smash, smash, smash.  From the ledge leaps a massive humanoid creature with stony skin, standing over three times taller than Thorandyl. “Gods, what is that!?” Thorandyl exclaims as the creature leaps into the crater just in front of him. As the giant stands, Thorandyl sees a large bronze key that hangs from his neck. “Oh… Of course. This nasty bugger must be guarding the exit!”  Thorandyl grips his blade tight, taking a deep breath, before rushing forward towards the stone giant. 


Round 1
Thorandyl: leaps into the crater with his broken blade held high. Reaching the giant he swings up at the creatures knee
Damage (D3): 2 ;The creatures armor deflects all of the blow

Giant: Seeing the small humanoid attempt to slash at his leg, the giant Slams the ground at his feet with massive fists
Ground Slam (d8): 5

Thorandyl reaction: 
Roll (Roll under Dex 15): Thorandyl attempts to away from the massive fist 9; Thorandyl avoids the damage, +1 Fatigue 

Round 2
Thorandyl: Almost crushed by the creatures massive fist, Thorandyl decides to flee to fight another day
Withdraw (Roll under Dex 15):  3; Thorandyl avoids the next fist that is headed towards him and scrambles up out of the crater

Giant: The giant continues to slam the ground at his feet, but Thorandyl has already escaped. It howls in frustration.

Round 3
Thorandyl: Climbing out of the crater, Thorandyl rushes towards the small doorway he had spotted on his left as he entered the room. He sprints into the narrowing hallway that leads towards the door, shouldering open the doorway and rushing through. He hears the footsteps of the creature thundering after him, as he closes the door. 


The hallway being too narrow for the giant to enter, Thorandyl has escaped for now but he knows he’ll need to retrieve the key around the creature's neck to exit the cave system. He shudders at the thought of facing the creature again. Suddenly he hears a crashing of stone on the other side of the doorway! He turns and tries to push open the doors, realizing that the giant has collapsed the hallway into the room. “Won’t be going back that way I suppose.”  He sighs, catching his breath as he turns to survey the room he has just entered.

4. Quiet Respite

At the center of this room is another lit bonfire, similar to the one he awoke next to. A wolfskin wrap rests on a small flat stone sitting next to the bonfire. Thorandyl sighs, moving towards the fire and sitting down next to it, examining the wolfskin. As he sits at the fire, he feels the fatigue from the sudden battle lift and his spirit is renewed. He furrows his brow at the strange feeling, but thinks better to complain about the relief from his fatigue. Examining the wolfskin, he feels a weight of something tucked inside the pelt. He withdraws two hunting knives from the pack. Feeling the balance of the knives, the weight in his hand, brings back a rush of memories. He remembers using such knives in some past life. “Ah yes, run around the back and stab ‘em while they don’t know you’re there. Came natural to me. I’ll have to see if I can do the same to that beast of a stone giant!” Further examining pelt, Thorandyl retrieves a small figure carved in dark hardwood. He tucks the small figurine into his shirt under the armor, feeling that this small figure might be useful later on. 

Items obtained 
Hunting knives-Key item; Can now use Dash, Backstab, and Lacerate weapon skills
Sacrificial Bundle- The small figure can be burned while resting at a bonfire to restore a point of lost vigor

After a moment of meditation on the burning fire, Thorandyl sighs before standing up. “Best be about it then… Sittin’ round here won’t get me out of these caves.” Past the bonfire is a corridor leading out of the room. The sound of soft dripping water can be heard echoing from beyond its threshold. After the run in with the Stone Giant, Thorandyl moves more cautiously and keeps an eye out for any dangers ready to assail him. 

5. The Murky Pool

The narrow corridor opens to a broad cavern with a high domed ceiling covered in mushrooms and lichen. At the center of the cavern lies a murky pool. A dusty skeleton sits against the Eastern wall. A hallway opens up in the northern end of the cavern. Thorandyl begins to slowly move his way through the large room, cautiously making his way by the murky pool. The stagnant water is murky, so much so that he cannot tell how deep it goes. The opaque water stinks of rot and decay. “Yeah I think I’ll pass on a bath for now,  thanks. Probably get a dozen and a half diseases from that water.” He chuckles to himself as he begins moving towards the exit again. 

Wits (roll under 10): 6; success!

As he begins to exit the chamber, Thorandyl hears a strange rattling sound behind him. He quickly pulls his blades from their sheathes and turns just as the skeleton to the east begins to stand up. A second skeleton pulls itself from the depths of the murky pool. Each of the skeletons clutch rusty spears in their hands as they approach. 


Round 1
Thorandyl: quickly moves behind the skeleton as it pulls itself out of the pool. Positioning himself to its rear, he strikes out with a Backstab
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 14; Success Strike for double damage 
Damage (D6x2): 6 Dire Strike- doubled for 12 damage
Backstab Dire Strike-Follow up with an extra attack that bypasses defense
Damage (D6):

Thorandyl strikes the skeleton for 15 points of damage. The skeleton’s resilience is reduced to 0 and its strength is reduced to 3. The Skeleton rolls a Critical damage check against its strength of 3 or is defeated
Skeleton 1 critical damage(Roll under Str 3):  2; The skeleton continues to fight on

Skeleton 1: After Thorandyl strikes a massive blow to the skeleton, it turns around and slams its spear into him
Thorandyl’s Reaction: Withdraw (Roll under Dex 15): 2; Success- Avoid all damage

As the skeleton spins around with its spear in hand, Thorandyl leaps back away from the attack successfully. The second skeleton now moves in to strike. Thorandyl is defenseless against this attack!

Skeleton 2: The skeleton moves towards Thorandyl after he leaps away and stabs out with its spear
Damage (D6):  5- Thorandyl’s defense is 1; Resilience is reduced to 5 out of 9 with his 1 defense

Round 2
Thorandyl: moves in to finish off skeleton 1 with a stab of his hunting knives
Damage (d6): 3; The skeleton’s strength is reduced to 0. It begins to crumble to the floor

Skeleton Special ability: when defeated roll D12; On a 1 skeleton reforms with half max Res
Roll (D12): 11; Failure- The skeleton crumbles to the ground, leaving only a pile of bones scattered on the ground. 

Skeleton 2: steps towards Thorandyl and attempts to skewer him again. 
Thorandyl’s Reaction: Withdraw (Roll under Dex 15): 9; Success- Avoid all damage

The second skeleton continues to press the attack, but Thorandyl is too quick to be hit a second time. He falls back and readies an attack. 

Round 3
Thorandyl: quickly maneuvers himself behind the remaining skeleton for another Backstab
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 20; Failure: Retaliatory attack from the target at damage advantage

He is unable to find an opening in the skeleton’s defenses. It catches him with its spear
Skeleton 2 Retaliatory attack (D6 at Advantage): 1/2 : The skeleton deals 2 damage reduced to 1 with Thorandyl’s 1 Defense. Resilience is reduced to 4 out of 9

Skeleton 2: Presses the attack with Thorandyl on the back foot
Thorandyl’s Reaction: Withdraw (Roll under Dex 15): 17; Failure- Escape but take damage
Damage (D6): 3; Reduced by Thorandyl’s 1 defense; Resilience is reduced to 2 out of 9

Round 4
Thorandyl: Attempts to move around the skeleton and stab it in the back
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 14; Success: Strike for Double damage
Damage (D6x2): 3; Doubled to 6 damage; Skeleton 2 Resilience reduced to 2 out of 8

Skeleton 2: Spins around and thrusts its spear at Thorandyl
Thorandyl’s Reaction: Dash (Roll Under Dex 15; Fatigue): 3; Avoid all damage, +1 Fatigue

Thorandyl is able to score a strike on the skeleton and quickly retreats before the skeleton can land a blow

Round 5
Thorandyl: Continues to circle the skeleton and attack its back once he’s found an opening
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 9; Success: Strike for Double damage
Damage (D6x2): 5; Doubled to 10 Damage; Skeleton 2 Resilience reduced to 0 and Strength reduced to 2 out of 8

Skeleton 2 critical damage(Roll under Str 2):  14; The skeleton continues to fight on
Skeleton Special ability: when defeated roll D12; On a 1 skeleton reforms with half max Res
Roll (D12): 3; Failure- The skeleton crumbles to the ground, leaving only a pile of bones scattered on the ground. 


As the Skeletons fall to piles of bone, Thorandyl breathes heavily. He holds his side where a deep gouge was scored by the skeleton’s spear. As he stands, trying to slow his breathing, a glowing light begins to emanate from the depths of the murky water. It slowly grows brighter and brighter until a small, yet brilliantly bright glowing orb breaches the surface of the pool. Carefully Thorandyl reaches out and grabs the glowing orb. Unsure of what the strange orb is, Thorandyl shoves the orb into a belt pouch before turning back to the door to the north.

Items obtained 
Soul Fragment

Thorandyl steals himself and prepares to move forward towards the hallway to the north. 
