Runecairn Beneath the Broken Sword Session 2: Escape

GM Note:
About that last combat!
After finishing up the combat against the skeletons, I noticed a few small rules errors that I made.

1. The hunting knives have the Dual trait- all damage is rolled with advantage
2. When multiple enemies are attacking the PC, the highest damage is chosen instead of all enemies dealing damage to the PC. This would mean that I would've taken just a bit less damage from that fight than I did. That being said, I'm not going to worry about going back and fixing it. I'll be keeping those things in mind for the next combats that we may see! 
3. Withdraw reaction: After rereading the withdraw reaction, it seems like the way I have been using it is not the intention. It seems more a reaction to flee from combat. The roll reaction is likely what I should be using, which means that Thorandyl would have taken more fatigue from the last fight. I'm going to let that stand as well, but moving forward I'll remember to use withdraw only for fleeing combat.

6. Broken Arrow Bend

The tunnel exits from the murky pool slanting upwards and curving around to reveal a long flat tunnel. The rocky ground of the cavern is littered with broken arrows as it continues to curve up and around. As Thorandyl approaches, he spots the arrows and crouches down to approach quietly. “Hopefully these arrows strewn about indicate a poor shot, if this archer is still present.”  He attempts to move stealthily around the bend, keeping an eye out for any archer deeper in the tunnel.

Roll to stealthily approach (Dex under 15): 13; Thorandyl moves through the tunnel silently as he watches for whatever archer was shooting these arrows.

As he silently moves down the hallway, Thorandyl spots an alcove off to his right. He ducks into the alcove and quietly listens in case anything saw him approaching. The silence of the cavern confirms to him that he went through the tunnel undetected. He takes a moment to search the alcove. Another wolfskin hangs upon the wall in the alcove. He pulls the pelt from the wall and reveals a small crevice that leads into another chamber. He peers in, unable to see any danger, and then squeezes through the small crack.

7. The Lost Cell

The crevice opens into a chamber with a low ceiling. The air smells old and stale. At the center of the room is a battered wooden chest. The chest is banded in rusted iron and has several large gouges out of its surface, as if someone attempted to break it open with an axe. Thorandyl tests the lid and it opens easily. Inside he finds a bronze armband depicting wolves etched into its surface and another bundle wrapped in a wolfskin wrap. He realizes the armband is an Armband of the Fylgja! He quickly pulls it onto his arm, feeling the strange magical artifact’s power immediately course through him. Unwrapping the bundle, he finds a shortbow, arrows, and a flask of fire oil. He slings the quiver and shortbow over his back and stashes the flask of oil, knowing that the bomb-like flask will come in handy.  After a quick scan of the cavern and seeing nothing else, Thorandyl turns back to the crevice and makes his way back out to the wide cavern tunnel.

Items Obtained
Armband of the Fylgja, 3 charges; Summons an animal spirit that leads to fate or fortune

6. Broken Arrow Bend

Thorandyl finds himself back in the alcove of the tunnel, hidden from view. He slowly peers around the wall in the direction he was headed, in case the archer that left those stray arrows at the other end of the tunnel was still there.

Roll to peak around the corner without being noticed (Dex under 15): 19; Failure!

As he peeks his head around the corner, Thorandyl hears the telltale sign of a bowstring being drawn taut. Before he can be skewered by the arrow, he pulls his head back. “Damn! These caves will be the death of me, I swear!”  He draws out his hunting knives and prepares to engage the archer.


Round 1
Thorandyl: Rushes from around the corner, hoping that the archer will put up less of a fight than the skeletons! For the first time he sees the Shade pulling the bowstring back for another shot. He quickly feints to the right, then rolls  left to attack from the creature's back!
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 13; Success: Strike for double damage
Damage (D6x2, Adv): 2 doubled to 4 damage; The Shades resolve is reduced to 0 and its strength is reduced from 10 to 9

Shade Critical Damage roll (Roll under 9 STR):  4; Success: The shade fights on

Shade: The shade spins and releases its bow directly at Thorandyl
Thorandyl’s Reaction: Dash (Roll Under Dex 15; Fatigue): 8; Success: Avoid all damage, +1 Fatigue

Round 2
Thorandyl: Having rolled away from the arrow, he stands and makes the same maneuver to gain the creature’s back
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 6; Success: Strike for double damage
Damage (D6x2, Adv): 6 Doubled to 12 damage; The shades strength is reduced to 0 and dies to Thorandyl’s vicious attacks.


Thorandyl looks the body over, finding nothing useful. He turns back the way he was going. The tunnel narrows and continues to climb up. A narrow opening can be seen at the end of the tunnel, a soft light seems to be emanating from the next room and a sweet smell is carried on the light breeze coming down the tunnel towards him. Pressing forward he approaches the end of the cramped tunnel and squeezes into the next room

8. Iounn’s Grotto

Thorandyl steps into the next chamber and breathes in the first fresh air that he’s had since he awoke in this strange cave system. The scent of apples and honey fill his nose. Sunlight pours into the room through cracks in the ceiling high above. A lush grotto lays before Thorandyl with a large apple tree growing tall in the center. At the base of its trunk a hooded figure seems to sit in meditation, not noticing Thorandyl’s entrance. He calls out to the figure as he approaches, “Hail! I mean no harm, I only wish to find an exit from here. Do you know of a way out?” The figure remains sitting and waves for Thorandyl to approach, though they do not respond to his calls. The woman stands, reaching down to pick up a small item from a pack that sat next to her. She retrieves a leather flask and belt. Before Thorandyl can ask her any questions, she holds up her hand to him in a signal to wait. She produces a bottle from the bag, inside a bright golden liquid that almost seems to glow with the suns light. She pulls out the cork and pours the bottles contents into the flask. She silently holds it out to Thorandyl. Seeing that she appears to mean no harm to him, Thorandyl reaches out and accepts the drinking vessel, bowing his head in thanks. The woman motions for him to drink. He holds the flask to his nose, the smell of honey and apples filling his senses even stronger as the scent wafts from the flask. He nods to the woman and drinks deeply from the flask. He feels his strength returning and his fatigue wearing away, as if he had spent hours resting and recovering from his recent battles…

Items Obtained
Mead Flask: Contains two drinks of mead. Drinking a portion of mead restores 10 resilience and clears 2points of Fatigue. The mead is refreshed when resting at a bonfire

Drink of the mead flask: Thorandyl is restored to full resilience of 9 and his fatigue is reduced by 2. His current inventory is 6 out of 10 with no Fatigue points.

Thorandyl opens his eyes after drinking from the flask, prepared to bow down and grovel at the woman’s feet in thanks at this precious gift. But he finds that the grotto is empty. The woman has disappeared, the lush grotto and mighty apple tree have vanished. Light from above falls on a normal cavern floor, barren of life. A breeze sweeps up and swirls the last of the honeyed air around Thorandyl. He hears a voice, as if a whisper carried upon the wind. “To leave the caves, you must defeat the Demon of Stone. The bonfires will bring you life, rest at them when you must.”

Thorandyl sighs, his shoulders slump slightly at the disappearance of the delightful grotto. Looking to the other side of the cavern, he sees a tunnel opening, shadows deep and dark fill the passageway. Shaking his head at the predicament he’s found himself in he begins to move on. “Right. Just slay the giant Stone Demon guardian. Piece of cake. Couldn’t be too hard now could it? Just a simple stone giant, can’t put up too much of a fight. HA!” He mutters to himself in disbelief, but knows that he must accomplish the task to leave the caves. Nearing the exit to the once lush grotto, he takes a moment to let his eyes adjust back to the dim light of the caves and then presses onward.

9. Arched Tunnel

The rocks in this tunnel form a natural staircase that leads up towards a stone archway. At the archway, the stairs give way to a smooth cavern floor still slightly climbing higher. In the shadows of the tunnel, Thorandyl sees a crumpled form appearing to be a body. A spear appears to be sticking out of its chest. He warily approaches the figure on the ground, keeping his distance. As he approaches, the figure doesn’t stir. Thorandyl decides to press on up the incline to the exit of the sloping tunnel. After he takes a few strides towards the exit, he hears a stirring behind him. “Of course, why would the dead be anything but actually dead in this damned place!!” He exclaims. Turning around he sees the slumped figure rising from where he had just passed it. It stands, pulling the spear free from its chest and charges towards Thorandyl. Just as Thorandyl is gripping his hunting knives, prepared for a fight, he hears something from the exit of the tunnel. He turns to look, just as another figure shoves a large boulder down the tunnel towards him!


Round 1
Boulder Trap! (Roll under Dex 15 vs D8 Damage):  
Thorandyl: 1, Success: He quickly steps out of the way as the boulder picks up speed rolling down the tunnel!
Shade 1 (Roll under Dex 8 vs D8 Damage): 14; Failure: The shade that has just stood up takes D8 Damage
Damage (D8): 8; The shade’s resilience is reduced from 3 to 0 and its strength is reduced from 10 to 5

Shade 1 Critical Damage (Roll under Str 5): 13; Failure: The shade that first tried to surprise Thorandyl is crushed under the rolling boulder immediately!

Thorandyl shrugs as the first shade is crushed, “Well, I suppose you’ve helped me out of a tricky situation friend! I suppose I’ll pay you back in kind and make this quick!”

Thorandyl: runs up the remainder of the slanted tunnel towards the boulder pushing shade. He rolls through the exit, maneuvering to the shades back in a practiced and fluid motion.
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15): 6; Success: Strike for double damage
Damage (D6x2, Adv): 6 doubled to 12; The Shades resilience is reduced from 3 to 0 and its strength is reduced from 10 to 1

Shade 2 Critical Damage (Roll under Str 1): 3; Failure: The shade slumps under Thorandyl’s expertly placed strike and falls to the ground dead


Thorandyl shakes his head and gives a half hearted laugh, “Well, I am getting mighty good picking the right spot to put the dagger in these shades back I suppose! After I get out of here, I’ll have to maybe take up a new profession. Thorandyl the Shade Hunter! HA!” With the fight over, Thorandyl turns his attention to the new cavern that he’s just entered.

10. The Demon’s Ledge

Thorandyl exits the stone tunnel to a broad cavern with high ceilings. The cave floor is littered with broken bones, smashed weaponry, and crushed rusty armor. Large cracks spider along the floor and walls as if something heavy has smashed the ground here repeatedly. To his right, Thorandyl sees that the western side of the cavern is open, the floor ending in a ledge overlooking another room. From this opening, he hears crashing echoes as if something is stomping around below. “This must be where the Stone Demon jumped down from. Well… Looks like I’ll have to face the bugger now. Then it's home free. Or at least I’ll be free of these tunnels.” He crouches down and quietly moves along the room, searching for anything useful before he starts in on the giant. He quickly realizes that there is nothing in usable shape amongst the rubble. Just swords more smashed than the sword he found when he woke. The armor is so dented and rusted that it’d probably do him more harm than good in a fight. As he continues to scan the room, he spots a large hook on the opposite wall. A heavy key hangs from a leather strap looped around the hook. “Ahhh, one piece of my freedom at least. I’ll take what I can get!”  He quickly moves over and pulls the key from the wall.

Perception to notice something (Roll under Wits 10): 4; Success: Thorandyl notices things changing…

As Thorandyl pulls the key from the hook and stows it in his pack, a quietness settles over the cavern. Thinking about his next move, Thorandyl suddenly realizes that the stomping sounds from below have stilled. “Oh, that can’t be good!” Just as he notices the silence, the hulking figure of the Stone Giant launches from below up onto the ledge towards Thorandyl!


Round 1
Stone Giant: Jumps up to the ledge in an attempt to crush Thorandyl
Crushing attack (Roll under Dex 15 vs D8 Blast damage; Thorandyl will have advantage since he recognized the silence of the giant’s footsteps from below): 10; Success: Thorandyl quickly dodges out of the way as the Stone Giant’s figure crashes down towards him

Thorandyl: Having avoided the Giant’s surprise attack, Thorandyl finds himself at an advantage. The Stone Giant does not realize that he avoided its attack. He strikes at its back from an advantageous position
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15, Adv): 9; Success: Strike for double damage
Damage (D6x2, Adv): 5 doubled to 10 -2 for the Stone Giant’s Defense; The Stone Giant’s resilience is reduced from 9 to 1

Round 2
Thorandyl: After scoring a deep slash across the lower back of the Stone Giant, he redoubles his efforts to quickly bring the creature down. Maintaining his advantageous position for now, he slashes out again with his dual hunting knives
Backstab (Roll under Dex 15, Adv): 9; Success: Strike for double damage
Damage (D6x2, Adv): 4 doubled to 8 -2 for Stone Giant’s Defense; The Stone Giant’s Resilience is reduced to 0 and its strength is reduced from 13 to 8

Stone Giant Critical Damage (Roll under Str 8): 20!; Failure: The stone Giant crumples as Thorandyl’s blades stab mercilessly into the creature's back!


Thorandyl’s heart pounds in his chest as the Demon falls under his barrage of slices to its back. He sits stunned for a moment as he can’t believe how quickly he was able to defeat the towering behemoth. As he hesitantly watches the Stone Giant’s body fall, a small glowing orb of light lifts from its defeated body. The energy of the creature floats gently in the air, absorbing into Thorandyl’s chest. The surge of the soul’s energy invigorates Thorandyl. As the corpse crumbles to dust, the large key that was hung around its neck is left laying on the ground in front of him. He quickly picks the key up and places it in his sack with its twin. “Well, I suppose alls left is to leave this despicable place!” Thorandyl laughs nervously to himself, still a bit incredulous that he was able to defeat the Giant.

Items Obtained
Wanderer’s Key
1 Soul
With a careful leap, Thorandyl jumps down from the ledge into the large cavern where he first encountered the Giant. Taking the keys, he places them into the locks and turns them, slowly pushing the massive doors open. A twisting tunnel leads away from the large cavern, climbing up as it goes. Thorandyl steps forward, eager to leave this place behind.

11. The Raven Flies

A heavy fog fills the tunnel as he continues to climb up and out of the deep cavern. After some time the fog lifts and Thorandyl sees a cave entrance with the light of the sun dancing across the foggy air of the tunnel. Stepping out of the fog and into the cave entrance, a massive raven perches on a broad ash stump at the exit. Over ten feet tall and feathers black as night, the raven cocks its head at Thorandyl, before giving a shrill Squawk.  The raven spreads its massive wings and flies high into the sky. A gently burning bonfire blazes at the entrance. Thorandyl shrugs, giving the strange massive raven no more thought as he sits at the bonfire to recover from his harrowing journey through the Caverns below. Resting revitalizes him, his wounds knitting back together. The mead flask that he collected from the strange silent gardener refills itself. Pulling the glowing orb that he collected from the deep murky pool of water, he has the strange sense that the power imbued in it will strengthen him as he rests. He crushes it in his hands and absorbs the light of the Soul Fragment into him. He feels stronger, more dexterous. Looking from the mouth of the cavern, he sees a long valley stretching before him. In the distance he sees a city. “That’ll be my next stop I gues… Need to sort out where I am and whats happened to me. This feels as if a dream! Not the fun sort, unfortunately, but I’ll have to endure it either way.” He sits for a while, deciding to make camp for the night and rest at the mouth of the cave. Tomorrow he’ll set off to find out where he’s found himself and what it is he may be called to do…

Souls: Thorandyl absorbs the power of the souls he has collected. His Strength increases to 14 and his Dexterity increases to 16

Thus concludes Thorandyl’s escape from the Caverns Beneath the Broken Sword!
