
Showing posts from June, 2024

Ironsworn Session 16: Danger is Afoot

Valryc's status: Momentum: 7; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply:4 Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 3 Progress   GM : Starting off, lets find out what the group finds from their previously unresolved Undertake a Journey move. We have a rolled on the oracle "Locate Portent." Does the portent have anything to do with the Shadiri? Oracle: Unlikely- 70; The portent is not to do with the Shadiri   The group travels late into the night after visiting with the merchant. Valryc is pleased to see that the others do not complain as they continue their travels well past the setting of the sun. They eat hardtack and dried fruit that the merchant supplied them with for dinner and press on, hoping to make a great deal of progress for the day. Finally after the moon is high in the sky, Valryc halts. “This shall be enough for the day my friends. Well done on today’s travel, I’m impressed

Ironsworn Session 15: Woodhaven and the Road Beyond

A quick note from the GM: Going forward I am going to change the format in which I report the rolls I make throughout the session. This is going to include more information to make it more clear what was rolled and how I came up with the outcome. I will also add more of my thought process to how I move the narrative from the outcome of these rolls. Those thoughts will be included in small sections just like this one throughout the body of the text. Hopefully this change in formatting is helpful to better follow along with the play! -The Solo Rambler                     Valryc's status: Momentum: 6; Health: 5; Spirit: 5; Supply: 5 Undertake a Journey: Travel to the Elven temple near Timbermount- 1 Progress  After the long day on the road, the party is weary and welcomes the sight of Woodhaven off in the distance. Their pace quickens as they think of a warm fire, hearty food, and a comfortable