
Showing posts from November, 2023

Ironsworn Session 1: Pushing on Towards the Ruins

Valryc sets off eastward to make a looping route around what he assumes will be the most direct yet dangerous path. His sense of caution and need for haste constantly battle inside of him as he makes his way forward hoping to find these ruins before the Shadiri. Undertake a Journey: Dangerous: Travel to the Elven ruins Weak hit:Action Die 6; Challenge Die 4/8  -1 supply; +2 progress; Reach a way point  ( ORACLE : Location/Descriptor 54/57: Abandoned Village) Valryc travels eastward out of caution, but this has added more travel time than he was initially prepared for. Even with the additional supplies that he took from his fallen allies he knows he will run out of food and water before he makes his return to Wrennsfall. But food and water are the least of his concerns now. “I must press on… I’ll worry about food and drink once I’ve finished this journey. For now I must find a safe place to camp. Tomorrow will b

Ironsworn Session 0: Prologue

Wrennsfall finds its home in the northernmost Elven ruin that was deemed habitable when the Ironlanders first made their homes in the new world. It lays at the foot of a large mountain ridge that protects it from the North and beside a large lake created by the waterfall that gives the town its name: The fall of River Wrenn. Here we see a man of slightly taller than average height, wearing studded leather armor and a large bastard sword slung across his back. A messenger approaches the man with haste. “Captain Valryc, you have been requested to attend the council with the utmost haste. There has been word of Shadiri in the Northern mountains.” Wordlessly the man nods to the messenger and makes his way towards the large central capitol building at the center of the city. Upon his arrival, he is ushered into a large meeting room where the council of 5, the leaders of the city are currently meeting. “Ah, Captain Valryc it is good that you’ve come so quickly. We have reports of a Shadiri f

Ironsworn: Valryc Wyndurk

Valryc Wyndurk hails from Wrennsfall, the northernmost city inhabited by the Ironlanders. He is a tall and broad shouldered man with brown hair cut just above his shoulders, usually tied into a top knot to keep it away from his face. His pale skin is marred with scars from battles with Shadiri warriors that venture south into the Ironlands and the occasional skirmishes that occur between the Ironlanders' larger cities. He is a strong warrior skilled with a blade and the charismatic leader of his small squad of Wrennsgaurd scouts. He has trained a hawk named Strieg that accompanies him on his missions; he uses a bastard sword in battle.  Valryc knew that he would serve in the Wrennsguard since he first trained with a sword. As soon as he was old enough he pledged his blade to protecting the city. He comes from a long lineage of warriors who fought against the Shadiri in the old world before they were driven into the Ironlands and is proud to serve to protect the people of Wrennsfall

Ironsworn World Truths: Campaign 1

The Old world The old world was overrun by a powerful cult. Seeking to control the lands of the old world, they used dark magic to summon horrors of the Abyss to hunt down the inhabitants of the old world, driving them from their homes or slaughtering them outright. The Ironlanders who were able to, fled into the lands to the south seeking protection. These lands were thought to be controlled by the mysterious elves and fairies, but on their arrival  they found only ruins as evidence of their previous inhabitants. They made due in their new home making strongholds out of these old ruins. They called the new world the Ironlands and called themselves the Ironlanders. Iron In the early battles fought against the cults monsters that overtook the old world, it was found that Iron was particularly strong as a weapon against them. Once the Ironlanders made their way into the Ironlands , they found an abundance of the material. Their economy and society is structured around this commodity. Leg

Ironsworn 1 Index

This index will be updated as new terminology and other facts about the world are created as the game is played The Capitals of the Ironlands:  Timbermount: The central most large city  located in the Ironlands. Timbermount is located nestled into the outskirts of the Ironlands largest patch of forest land. It is located in between Wrennsfall and Windrest. Wrennsfall : The northern most large city located in the Ironlands. Located on the shores of the lake created by its namesake, the Falls of the River Wrenn. It is in a reasonably defensible position as its northern end abuts against the northern cliffs and the southern end is behind the flowing river. Valryc hails from here and it is where our journey begins.  Windrest: The southern most large city located in the Ironlands. Windrest is located on the shores of the southern tip of the Ironlands, perched high upon the cliffs that look out over the southern sea.   The Council of Five   The council of Wrennsfall consists of 5 members,